deez nutz

A joke that originated from the song "Deeez Nuuuts" on Dr. Dre's original album "The Chronic", released in 1992. Since then, the phrase has mutated into "deez nutz" and catching people with "deez nutz" has become America's 3,157th favorite pastime, just behind underwater basket-weaving and just ahead of collecting Spongebob Squarepants paraphernalia. The game works as following: you ask someone a question, and if the response is "What?", "Who?", "Huh?" or anything starting starting with one of the 5 "W's", you're free to get that person with "DEEEEEZ NUUUUUTZ!!!". Works best when done loudly in quiet public places such as a lecture hall, church, or a line at the bank. Some ways to catch someone are as follows:
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to deez nutz. Some of the top words include: deez nuts, suck mah balls, badanke, nut tag, It's funny because it's poisonous!, and 25 more.